Term 1 Home Learning Projects
For Home Learning in Room 7 this term we have a list of projects that we can choose from. We can make them as big and as creative as we want to, depending on our resources and time available at home. These projects are meant to encourage Room 7 to be creative, to notice things around them, to try and think outside the box, and to problem solve. For Term 1 each member of our class needs to complete at least 4 projects, one from each heading. But as we have already found out some people are choosing to complete even more than this! Every Monday we have time for sharing the projects we have been working on, and we thought it would be a good idea to share some of our awesome projects on the blog as well! We will add the new projects to this slideshow for Term 1, so make sure you come back and visit. Let us know in the comments below if you have ideas for creative, projects for term 2! We would love to hear your ideas.