KiwiCan Term 2 Week 2
Today in KiwiCan we continued our discussions around Integrity.We started with a warm up called Backwards where you had to do the opposite of the command given (Jump, Move, Stop and Clap). It made our brains hurt but was a fun way to practise integrity when we got it wrong.
We also got to go outside and do a relay race that was testing our judgement on good and bad choices.
Our discussion question was: How can you tell the difference between a good choice and a bad choice?
We think that when you make a bad choice it not only can make others feel bad, but you get a bad feeling yourself when you know you haven't made the right choice.
There are some questions you can ask yourself if you are trying to decide whether a choice is good or bad.
- How is this going to make me feel? Proud, Sad, Guilty, Excited, Brave, Disappointed, Nervous.
- How is this going to make others feel?
- How would my mother/grandmother feel if they could see the choice I am making right now?
These questions can help us to make sure the choices we make are right - we just need to pause before we act to check that it is the best choice we could make.
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