
Every week on a Monday we get to enjoy a KiwiCan session with some of our favourite people; Mr Matau and Miss Falanitama. They are always full of energy and give us a lesson that focuses on values like Respect, Resilience, Positive Relationships, Integrity.

Yesterday we were focusing on leadership skills. Some of the things it takes to be a good leader are:

  • Listening
  • Leadership without being bossy
  • Respect for others
  • Integrity
  • Encouraging
  • Having a go at things
  • Challenging ourselves
In our discussion we talked about why it was important for us to have a go, and why it was important to encourage other people to have a go as well. 

Our energiser was a really fun game called Super Duper. You can play it by starting off as an old man or woman and then playing paper, scissors, rock against other old men/women. If you win you become a rabbit and then have to compete against other rabbits. The level above rabbits is snakes, and then final level is super hero. There were actions to do to show which level you were on. 

Our activity was rob the nest, where we tried to encourage our whole team to have a go and not give up. You can find rules for this game here: 

We can't wait to see what KiwiCan brings next week!

Below are some photos of us enjoying the activity outside in the bright, autumn sunshine.


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